Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Matthew 17

So some of my thoughts on this chapter. Christ is transfigured before Peter James and John and it says that he talked with Moses and Elias. I wonder what were they talking about? Why was that important? Peter than talks to Christ and says "it is good for us to be here. Let us make three tabernacles one for thee, Moses and Elias." What is the significance of those? than it says the voice of God came out of a cloud and said "this is my beloved son in whom I am well please. Hear ye him." and they were afraid..
My first thought is they just saw Christ transfigured and talking with two angels and they were afraid of a voice coming from heaven? So, I wonder what exactly made them fearful? Than I love how Christ touched them and said be not afraid... That is a loving act. I think of in my own life how I am afraid sometimes and I want to remember this scripture.
Also Heavenly Father said hear ye him. So I know that whatever Christ is going to say next is important.. Then he goes on to talk about Faith...

Monday, October 6, 2008

3 Nephi Chapter 11

In the beginning verses it talks about how the people heard a voice coming out of heaven and they cast their eyes round about and they understood not the voice which they heard. This happens 2 more times and not until the third time did they open their ears to hear it. I wonder why they could not understand it the first two times? They heard it and it made their frames quake but they could not understand it.
I contemplate what it must have been like to see Christ coming down and being in the midst of all these people. It almost feels like a fairy tale. I know it is not, for I truly know it happened. But, what will it be like when Christ comes again? Will I also be able to touch his hands and feet? Will I also be able to be so close to him?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

3 Nephi 7

I am not sure why I did not write more about reading Helaman. But, 2 verses right away have stood out to me. Verse 5 talks about how all iniquity came upon the people because they did yield themselves unto the power of satan.
Than verse 8 talks about how only six years has passed away since the more part of the people had turned from their righteousness, like a dog to his vomit, or like a sow wallowing in the mire.. Very interesting imagery for me. For me it brings up feelings of the desire to turn to something disgusting, something that is ugly and gross. It also gives me the great desire to take my own power and choose to turn away from those things that keeps the spirit out of my home.  

Verse 18 says that the people were angry with Nephi, even because he had greater power than they, for it were not possible that they could disbelieve his words, for so great was his faith on the Lord Jesus Christ that angels did minister to him daily. WOW!!! I want that kind of faith. I do! I want to be able to testify of Jesus Christ with such boldness that nobody will disbelieve what I have to say. I want angels to minister to me daily.. I want to have that kind of faith.
I am sad for my weaknesses. I want to testify boldly that Jesus is the Christ. I want to be able to bring friends, loved ones, strangers to the knowledge of our savior. I want to emulate him. I want to do this with boldness. These are my desires.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Helaman 6

WoW! verses 4 and 5 hit me. Verse 4 talks about how the people once again began to prosper in the land because of their righteousness. It also says "and their was great order in the land." 
verse 5 says that their was nothing in all the land to hinder the people from prospering continually, except they fall into transgression.

That is a key for me. the first one is order. It says that Gods house is a house of order.. Is mine? What can I strive to do to make it that way? 
The second is if I want to continually prosper that I need to stay away from transgressions. I want to seek for the good everyday.
I want to be firm, steadfast, and immovable, willing with all diligence to keep the commandments of the Lord. 
I also see a pattern as I have been reading. It seems like a 4 year cycle. That they are really good for about 2 years and than in that 3rd  year  they start to get prideful and allow their riches to be what they seek. And than the 4th year Satan has a great hold of the hearts of many. 
Also, it says "they did not sin ignorantly, for they knew the will of God."  This is important for me because I also know the will of God. I have the truth in front of me. I must stay true to what I know... 
I think another thing that stands out for me is that Heavenly Father still after all these chances that have been given wants them to return to good. He continually sends messengers , "inspired from heaven and sent forth" It is their chance to redeem themselves. 

These are the things that stood out to me in this chapter..